We pulled off our first ever Vistage Economic Summit here in Honolulu this week. It was a collaborative effort and a TON of hard work. The feedback so far?
That’s what I’ve been hearing from those who attended last Wednesday, February 24, 2016.
Personally, I thought Beaulieu hit out of the park. I’m confident this event puts Vistage Hawaii on the map!
The Halekulani was packed with more than 125 CEOs and business leaders all eager to hear the macro-economic view for the US and Hawaii. Beaulieu did not disappoint. His macroeconomic-based predictions range from China to the Middle East, oil to tourism, demography to the fate of nations.
I didn’t know economists were this funny. I can’t believe I just sat through a three hour economics lecture.
Interested in learning more about what he said? Be sure to download Beaulieu’s presentation materials from the Vistage Economic Summit here in Honolulu.
Want the quick summary? It was an incredibly rich presentation, but here were my top takeaways:
- Invest in real estate.
- Learn a foreign language.
- Get your kids to study STEM.
How about you? What did you think? What are your the top trends you see in your industry?
Looking for the materials to download? Click this link to download a PDF copy of Beaulieu’s presentation. Or check out Beaulieu’s book “Prosperity in the Age of Decline” which is available on Amazon.
And don’t forget: #icraveyourfeedback #feedbackisagift